Simon Says

Simon Camilleri’s personal blog.

Gospel Growth Ministries

An organisation to help you grow in your knowledge and understanding of the gospel by providing free, interactive online studies.


Guilty Pleasure

An organisation that aims to educate people about the harmful effects of pornography and connect those in need to professional help.

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation

An organisation that addresses the public health crisis of pornography and exposes the links between all forms of sexual exploitation.

The Gospel Coalition

Christian gospel-focused articles on various topics.

If you go to the Australian site, you will find articles by Simon Camilleri.

Desiring God

The ministry of John Piper. Thousands of sermons, articles and resources.

Pink Cross Foundation Australia

An organisation supporting women, men and transgender people transitioning out of the sex industry.

XXX Church

An online resource for pornography addiction help.

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